Phleng Record Production Pink Day Album

File Type : MP4
Bitrate : 128Kbps
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 1280 x 720 HD720
Video Quality : Superb

01. Tang Pi Bek Oun Lerk Dach Rohot By Matin, Get it now
02. Pink Day By Manith ft Vanilla, Get it now
03. Bonto Srolanh Rue Pderm Saob? By Vanilla, Get it now
04. Shack It To The Head By Manith, Get it now
05. Monus Loar Min Men Somlab Bong By Sophalen, Get it now
06. Rean Tver Chet Dach By Matin, Get it now
07. Ber Chob Sbot Leng Mean Teat By Ema, Get it now
08. Kom Ham Min Oy Chher By Matin, Get it now


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